Finding Our Way: A study of unaccompanied minors and volunteer support in Annecy

Lake Aid is delighted to announce the publication of Claudia Seymour’s report ‘Finding Our Way: A study of unaccompanied minors and volunteer support in Annecy’.

Applied researcher and academic, Claudia Seymour, spent 7 months interviewing unaccompanied minors, Lake Aid volunteers, associations and local government actors, in order to build a picture of life in Annecy for both the children and the people that help them. Claudia notes: “Migration has become such a polarized political issue, yet this report is, above all, a story about the humanity that brings us together.”

Claudia Seymour

Felicity Fallon, Chair of Lake Aid, said ‘In this report Claudia looks at the human side of migration. What does it feel like to seek refuge, as a child, thousands of miles away from your own family, in a foreign country? How does it feel as a volunteer to get involved in helping unaccompanied minors? How can Lake Aid, and other local organisations, help these children more effectively? We hear about ‘the refugee crisis’ in the news and it’s easy to think that it is something happening somewhere else, far away. But actually it is on our doorstep, and Claudia’s report is essential in helping us all get a better understanding of this new reality and how we can respond, in our local community, as both individuals and organisations.’